Thursday, April 2, 2009

My 1st Blueberry Cheesecake

Sponge Cake (base for cheesecake)

First we have to prepare the base of the cheesecake 1st, which is the sponge cake.

Recipe for sponge cake

(A) 2 eggs & 60g sugar
(B) 48g flour
(C) 32g melted butter
1. Put (A) into mixing bowl and whip until light & fluffy;
2. Fold in (B) and mix till well blended;
3. Stir in (C) and mix until well incorporated.
4. Pour batter into a 21cm greased and lined round mould.
5. Bake at 160 degree celcius for 30 minutes or until the surface of the cake springs back when pressed (I normally use a toothpick to test. Insert and if comes out clean, it's ready) Remove it from the mould immediately once baked and leave to cool.

Blueberry Cheesecake

After we have done the base of the cheese cake, here comes the body of the cake:

The cheese portion;

(A) 250g cream cheese + 55g sugar
(B) 20g cake flour
(C) 1 1/2 egg yolk + 1/2 egg
(D) 200ml sour cream
(E) 1 1/2 egg whites + 37.5g sugar
(F) 15g cornflour
(G) 175g blueberry pie filling

1. Cream (A) till light, add in (B) and mix till well blended;
2. Add (C) and cream till smooth and light;
3. Add (D) and mix till well combined (note: do not overbeat when adding sour cream);
4. Whip (E) till stiff, add (F) and mix well. Add this into the cheese mixture and mix till well incorporated;
5. Grease and line a 21cm round cake tin, then place the thin layer of the vanilla sponge cake on the bottom;
6. Pour in some of the cheese filling. Put some blueberry pie filling on top and pour the remaining cheese filling on top.
7. Bake at 150 degree celcius for 90 minutes or until cake is set;
8. Leave to cool. Refrigerate overnight.
9. Remove it from the mould, then evenly spread blueberry pie filling on top.

The recipe was adapted from Alex Goh Baking Class - Creative Making of Cakes

Best Friend's Birthday

Today is my best friend's birthday so I have decided to make her a blueberry cheesecake last nite. Piece of advise, never decide to make a blueberry cheese cake at the very last moment. Disaster.. :p
I manage to make one after struggling with all the ingredients, phew.. Hehehe.. It's my 1st time making one. Can't make a normal size cheesecake in my small oven, I have to cut everything by half. Seriously half an egg is very hard to measure.